Setup Server 1. Setup server 2. login to server 3. change root password "passwd" 4. create new user "/use/sbin/adduser demo" 5. give new user admin privileges "/usr/sbin/visudo" 6. add in visudo "demo ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL" New putty 7. login to pineapple via ssh 8. connect to your VPS(that will update the known_hosts file on the pineapple) back to server 9. "nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config" 10. change ssh port. Use any port 1025 to 65536 11. add to sshd_config "PermitRootLogin no","UseDNS no", "AllowUsers demo","AllowTcpForwarding yes","GatewayPorts yes" 12. reload ssh setup ssh public keys 1. ssh-keygen on VPS 2. add public key to authorized_keys file 3. get keys on computer 4. convert the privite key into a putty format 5. reload ssh The pineapple setup. 1. go the the ssh tab 2. click generate for public key 3. copy public key to your VPS(authorized_keys) 6. change the ssh connection command options to suit your VPS 7. connect ssh session on pineapple 3G setup. The fun part verson 1 1. connect to your VPS 2. then connect to your pineapple on port 4255 The fun part verson 2 1. on client "ssh pineappleuser@ipaddress -p 4255" tada! Super fun(remote admin page) Use "the fun part verson 2" 1. IN putty make a tunnel on port 9999 to localhost:1471.